8 Pro Tips in Choosing the Right Toothbrush for You


Good oral hygiene doesn’t just affect your mouth and gums, it affects your overall wellbeing. Studies have shown that gum diseases can increase the risk of diabetes and heart diseases hence everyone must practice good oral hygiene at a young age.

How can you teach your kids good oral hygiene? Start by teaching them to brush their teeth as early as they can!

Teaching your kids to brush their teeth should start by choosing the right toothbrush for them. In order to pick the best toothbrush for your young one, you should know first how to pick the right toothbrush for yourself. Here are 8 pro tips in choosing the right toothbrush for you.

Size of the Toothbrush Head

The size of the toothbrush head will depend on the size of your mouth. It should be big enough to access your teeth’s surface. For an adult toothbrush, the standard size of a toothbrush head is half-inch wide. At this size, it is easier to use and is very effective when used for brushing.

The Type of Bristles

When it comes to toothbrush bristles, you can choose from soft nylon bristles, medium nylon bristles or hard nylon bristles. If you have regular dental check-ups, a soft nylon bristle will do. If y vigorously brush your teeth and with stretngh, you can go for medium nylon bristles. If your teeth are strong and you love brushing hard, a hard nylon bristle will do.

Most dentists recommend soft or medium nylon bristles because of too much strength when brushing can damage your teeth’s enamel and gums.

The Style of Bristles

Once you have decided on the type of bristle, you can proceed in choosing the style of bristles. For the styles, you can choose among flat bristles, trimmed bristles or dome-shaped bristles.

When it comes to style, you have to pick the one that is comfortable for you. If your teeth are not aligned, some are smaller or bigger than the other, the dome style bristle will do. If your teeth are of same sizes (almost and aligned), you can choose between toothbrushes with flat or trimmed styled bristles.

Type of Toothbrush

There are two known types of toothbrushes, electric toothbrush and the regular one (manually used). Some people find electric toothbrush to be more effective and easier to use while some people love the simplicity of using a traditional toothbrush.

Another type of toothbrush that you can consider is a powered toothbrush. This alternative toothbrush is recommended to people with limited manual dexterity or movement.

The Type of Handle

For the handle, you have to consider whether to pick a toothbrush with a non-slip grip handle or a flexible neck. Choose the one that is easier for you to hold and use.

Before buying a toothbrush, you can practice holding it. If it is comfortable to hold, then it is comfortable to use as well.

The Length of the Handle

When brushing your teeth, you would want to brush it with a toothbrush with a good handle. A good handle means it is long enough to allow your arms to move freely when brushing your teeth.

The handle shouldn’t be too long or too short. It should be at least 12 to 14 centimeters long.

Brand Name

Brand name plays an important role when it comes to choosing a toothbrush. Branded toothbrushes are more expensive than unbranded ones but then, these toothbrushes were manufactured and created after some researches. The manufacturing company spent on these toothbrushes, ensuring that you are given the best toothbrush that will suit your need.

Ask Your Dentist

When in doubt, ask! Do not hesitate to ask your dentist for help or advice when it comes to choosing the right toothbrush for you. If your dentist suggested something, ask him or her why. The explanation will help you understand the importance of choosing the right toothbrush for you. You can ask a Sunnybank Hills dentist for help in picking the right toothbrush.

Once you understand how to pick the best toothbrush for yourself, you can now pick the best one that will fit your kid’s need. You can even help other people in choosing the right toothbrush for them.

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