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6 Things You Need to Prepare Before Undergoing an Eye Surgery

Eye surgery falls under arrays of categories, including LASIK, cataract operation, and corneal transplant. Before you undergo the procedure, there are some essential items that you need to make the process seamless. This way, you will be comfortable, and your recovery will be quick. On that account, here are some essential things that should be on your list before the surgery.

  1. Adequate Hydration

You need to drink sufficient water before the operation so that your eyelids can be lubricated. Dry eyes won’t do you any good since the healing process needs you to consume ample liquids. Thus, you can drink about eight glasses per day, as recommended by a specialist. The best way to crack it is by monitoring your intake using an app. You can also inform a loved one to remind you if you forget to drink water.

After the operation, you might notice that your eyes will be quite dry if you didn’t take sufficient water. For instance, if you are to undergo LASIK surgery, water is something that you can’t avoid. Drink it in plenty so that your recuperation can be seamless and fast as well.

  1. Comfortable Outfit

The clothing that you will adorn will depend on the season or weather on the day that you will go in for the surgery. For that reason, if it is hot, you can consider light clothing to lessen discomfort from sweating. Loose clothes will be ideal since once you get home, you will have to take them off. Therefore, they will be suitable so that you won’t harm your eyes as you are removing your clothes.

Go for a zipper hoodie and t-shirt or buttoned shirt to simplify your work when you leave the clinic or hospital. Avoid items that shed off fur since they can be dangerous to your precious eyes.

  1. A Helper to Drive you to the Clinic

It is vital to have a supportive person who will help you throughout the whole process. You can ask a friend or family to take you to the surgery center. An ophthalmologist will use local anesthesia or eye drops to numb the eye to lessen any discomfort that you might feel during the operation. After some time, the medication will wear off, and you might not be able to drive back home. That is the primary reason why you need someone to take you home so that you can be safe.

The good news is that once the doctor has given you a clean bill of health, you can resume driving on your own. The best time is after you have healed after two days or more, depending on the procedure you underwent.

  1. Paperwork

There are some crucial documents that you need before you go into the operation room. The primary one is the consent form that shows that you’ve agreed to do the surgery. Before signing the document, Dr Cameron McLintok will be happy to answer your questions about eye surgery. He will take you through what you can expect and the final results. Plus, you will get to know your risks and complications as well so that you can make an informed decision.

Thus, it would help if you read through your paperwork to have a clear picture of the expectations. If you feel that there’s something that needs clarification, feel free to ask the doctor.

  1. Payment Plan

Before surgery, you need to have consulted your insurance company regarding your coverage. It will give you peace of mind knowing whether it will cater to your expenses or not. Many insurers cover their patient’s bills, but you need to know if it will be partial or full payment. This way, you can budget accordingly if you have to pay using your cash. Your clinic of choice will help you check if the insurance that you possess will meet your medical costs.

  1. Eyeglasses Instead of Contact Lenses

Your doctor might advise you to get eyeglasses and stop wearing contact lenses one week before the surgery. Your eyes need some rest, especially the cornea part so that you can attain an outstanding outcome after the operation. An expert will examine your eyes to give you a timeline to discontinue the lenses. In the meantime, you need to stick to glasses to continue with your normal life.


Elizabeth is a renowned leader in the space of Health and Mental Wellness topics. Her work has appeared on more than a dozen influential sites and blogs. Her articles both focus on providing valuable information and an entertaining read that her readers enjoy. More about her work on –


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