UPLMIS Registration Process

Registering for the UPLMIS is a user-friendly process accessible to all primary healthcare facilities. To commence the registration, visit the UPLMIS website and select the “Register” button. Subsequently, you will be guided through a straightforward registration form where you’ll input fundamental details about your facility, including its name

ULMIS Labour Registration Eligibility

– They must be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh. – They must be between the ages of 18 and 60 years. – They must have worked as a laborer for a minimum of 90 days in one year.

Benefits of UPLMIS

The Universal Primary Health Care (PHC) Logistics Management Information System (UPLMIS) extends a multitude of advantages to primary healthcare facilities, healthcare providers, and patients alike. Streamlining healthcare supply chain management, the system introduces real-time visibility into the levels of healthcare commodities,