Cartel, an acclaimed Indian Hindi-language crime thriller web series created by Ekta Kapoor, garnered widespread praise upon its release. Produced by ALT Balaji, the show’s first season aired in 2021, followed by an announcement of a second season slated for the first half of 2022. However, despite fervent anticipation from fans, the release of season 2 was delayed for various reasons. But fret not, for those eagerly awaiting the continuation of Cartel, season 2 is indeed in the works. Today, we’ll delve into the latest updates regarding the release date, cast, storyline, and more for the upcoming season.
Is There a Season 2 for Cartel?
Initially slated for release on January 2, 2022, the launch of Cartel Season 2 was postponed, prompting speculation about its fate. However, recent developments indicate that the delay is temporary. According to reports surrounding the recent acquisition of Max Player (the platform where season 1 premiered), the release of season 2 has been postponed but is expected to proceed once matters are resolved.
When Can We Expect Cartel Season 2?
With the initial announcement set for January 2, 2022, and subsequent delays, fans are understandably curious about the new release date. Despite nearly two years passing since the conclusion of season 1, the wait for season 2 will soon be over. Recent reports suggest that the highly anticipated season is likely to debut between April and May 2024.
Is There a Trailer Available for Cartel Season 2?
Regrettably, the trailer for Cartel season 2 is not yet available. As filming commences, fans can anticipate the release of the trailer in due course. In the meantime, they can revisit the trailer for season 1.
Who Will Return for Cartel Season 2?
While the official cast for Cartel Season 2 remains undisclosed, speculation abounds based on the conclusion of season 1 and fan expectations. The anticipated return of characters includes:
- Rithvik Dhanjani as Abhay Angre
- Supriya Pathak as Rani Mai
- Tanuj Virwani as Ex-Major Arjun
- Jitendra Joshi as Madhukar Mhatre
- Divya Agarwal as Grizzey
- Monica Dogra as Maya
- Sushrii Mishra as Vaidehi
- Samir Soni as Dorabjee
- Shubhrajyoti Barat as Gajraj
- Tannishtha Chatterjee as Romilla
- Krishna Kaul as Javed
- Girija Oak as Rama
- Pranati Rai Prakash as Sumi
- Aditi Vasudev as Shweta
- Mayur More as Chiru
- Kannan Arunachalam as Anna Vibhav Roy
- Gaurav Sharma as ACP Dixit
- Mrinal Dutt as Yograj
- Ashwath Bhatt as Chairman
- Mrinal Das as Suraj
- Anil George as Khan
- Sanaya Pithawalla as Shreya
- Amey Wagh as Dhawal Riya Sobudh
- Nabeel Ahmed as Aanchal Goswami
What Can We Expect from the Plot of Cartel Season 2?
Season 1 of Cartel revolved around five gang lords and their clandestine underworld dealings, culminating in the death of one of them. The finale left audiences pondering the repercussions of this event and the ensuing power struggles among the remaining lords. Season 2 is expected to explore the aftermath of this pivotal moment, delving deeper into the shifting dynamics of the underworld.
As for the burning question, “When is Cartel season 2 coming out?”—fans will need to remain patient until an official announcement is made. Until then, stay tuned for the latest updates on the show.