Kangana Ranaut and Arjun Rampal’s much anticipated secret agents movie has arrived. The trailer for the movie “Dhaakad,” created a lot of buzz among the fans. With Ranaut playing the lead role, the movie became one of the most awaited major releases in the industry. Dhaakad is directed by Razneesh Razy Ghai and produced by Deepak Mukut and Sohel Maklai. When the teaser was unveiled, both India and other countries praised the film. The action-thriller got a theatrical release on May 20 and is now all set for a worldwide digital release on the ZEE5 streaming platform.
In Dhaakad, Kangana dons seven different looks and will be seen carrying out all of her action stunts, a news source claims. Kangana stated that there is only one action sequence in the movie, which cost the production $25 crore. The actress has previously discussed how she wanted the movie to have action and storytelling that would meet international quality standards.
Dhaakad Plot
Agent Agni, a member of the International Task Force, is the subject of the narrative (ITF). She is renowned for using severe methods to deal with criminals and terrorists. To learn more about a network that traffics in both people and weapons, Agni is sent to Budapest. She discovered that the organization’s brains are Rudraveer and his partner Rohini. Operating out of the Sohagpur Coal Fields near Bhopal, India, Rudraveer is a mysterious man. Agni sets out to acquire data about Rudraveer in order to grasp him. Without realizing it, Agni is undertaking the most challenging mission of her career.
Trailer Review
In her action-packed role, Kangana Ranaut exudes fire. She most certainly has the appearance of a global assassin/spy. You might as well be watching a Hollywood film thanks to the variety of disguises she dons from one scene to the next. Arjun Rampal appears incredibly wicked with his hair coloured white. In the past, he has done a good job of portraying negative characters and based on how “Dhaakad” turned out, it appears that he has aced it once again.
Fans are in awe of Kangana’s direct voice delivery, her never-before-seen action swag, and Arjun Rampal’s killer performance. Every move in the action stunts is flawless, and the action stunts are just amazing. Additionally, it appears that this trailer itself contains all of the action. Therefore it will be intriguing to see what the film has in store.
Mentioned below are the key star cast of the movie. They are as follows.
- Kangana Ranaut as Agent Agni
- Arjun Rampal as Rudraveer
- Divya Dutta as Rohini
- Saswata Chatterjee as Handler
- Sharib Hashmi as Fazal
- Daniel Viktor Nagy as Sheikh
- Siddhant Shukla as Traitor
- Tumul Balyan as Pratap
- Gabriel Georgiou as Shamsher
- Gyula Mesterhazy as Fyodor
Dhaakad To Be Released On ZEE5
Dhaakad is about to take centre stage on ZEE5 with blood, action, bullets, and strange personalities. Dhaakad, directed by Razneesh Ghai, was launched in theatres on May 20, 2022. On July 1st, 2022, the action-packed movie will have its world premiere only on the ZEE5 streaming service.