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Questions to Consider in Extension Architecture

Are you tired of living in a squeezed home space? Well, extension architecture could be the answer you have been looking for. It is the best way to expand your home space and also increase its value. A home extension is a major decision that may require a lot of planning, designing, and time. As a beginner, you may have to consider hiring an architect to help with some of the plans. Without discussing much more, below is a beginner’s guide to extension architecture.  

Where Do I Need to Start From? 

This is the first question you need to ask yourself. For any project, there is always a starting point, and in most cases, it is most probably coming up with a design and a plan. Designing your extension is probably the most crucial part of the entire project. In that case, you may need to hire a professional such as Humphreysandsons who will help come up with quality designs for your project. 

What is the Cost of Extension Architecture?

Before you even jump to securing your extension site, you need to be sure of the cost of the extension. There is no direct cost of the extension, however. The cost will mostly depend on the size of the project, materials used, labor, and many other variables. 

Do I Need Planning Permission for Extension Architecture? 

Planning permissions may vary from country to country. Make sure you go through your local area laws to be aware if you may need one. To be on the safe side, it’s best if you hire an architect who can inform you in such cases. Most building regulations and permissions will require you to include various safety requirement elements such as drainage, windows, doors, fire extinguishers, roofing, and so on. 

Is There Enough Space to Accommodate the Extension? 

Come up with a plan on which area of your house you want the extension architecture to take place in. If you don’t have any ground space, you can always opt to build a second story. This is a good idea for those who don’t want to take up their backyard space. For better advice, it is best if you consult with your architect to come up with the best conclusion depending on your cost. 

Does Building Extension Increase Property Value? 

Building a small extension will certainly increase your property level. Space is something that most home buyers look for. How large is the kitchen? Is there an extra storage area or study room? This is the question you will find most of them asking. Therefore, being creative and changing that loft area into a bedroom or playroom will certainly increase the value of your home. 

Will My Plan Affect my Neighbors?

Consider the impact your extension architecture will have on your neighbors. If you are sharing a wall, you may need to inform them first before commencing with your plans. This is to make sure that they are okay with the plans in case of any damages that may be caused. 


An extension architecture is the best way to increase space in your home. For a successful home extension, the above article covers the top information you should be aware of.


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