Role of Age verification in the E-commerce Industry


As we look toward predictions for this decade, 2020 is the lens using which we will analyze them. Nowadays, anyone and everyone can receive services from home because of digital transformation. Many Digital Services require Age Verification as a legal requirement. It is also known as  age checkers to identify customers’ age as the legal age to buy products online.By estimates, By 2021, there will be 2.14 billion online shoppers, up 46% from 1.46 billion in 2015. Many entrepreneurs have made fortunes in this high-demand environment, but it has also faced unforeseen challenges in recent decades. Purchasing online used to be discouraged by long shipping times, which caused many consumers to buy from local retailers rather than online. Before, it was impossible to “try before you buy” because of unsecured payment options. 

Provide a better client experience:

 Today, e-commerce is a complete change by overnight delivery, rarely breach payment funnels, and even virtual changing rooms. Making online purchases is a familiar and comfortable experience for consumers, so they do it often with little concern. You need to verify your customers’ ages if your e-commerce store sells age-restricted products to Comply with strict federal and state regulations to protect your reputation.We can protect  industry and community standards . Through this customer does not get frustrated and a way to make a fair customer. It is common for companies to do too little, and it can even slow down young consumers marginally. Sell retail is a smooth process. An easy age verification process is necessary for maintaining good customer experience and reputation of the company.  In the end, retailers are responsible for ensuring customers are old enough to purchase their products, regardless of whether they sell in-person or online. Mistakes made by third parties, such as delivery services, are not the responsibility of the third party. Retailers must have security systems in place to prevent such mistakes. 

Comply with all Regulations in Onboarding Customers: 

A good identity verification solution is essential for companies that offer age-restricted products and services through online channels. Through the Identity card verification  we have their names, age and Id card number with their permission and we can compare them with data sources. Companies benefit from this by developing a trust that their onboarding customer is who he/ she says he/ she is. Besides this, IDcentral’s authentication and verification services are effective. Customers take a picture of their ID by taking a selfie and uploading it.By comparing selfie with picture on customer ID card. Only then is the user authorized to access the service. By processing the age verification compliance we can do fraud prevention. Consumers are free to continue their transactions without being burdened with additional steps to verify their identity since online verification is quick and easy for them to complete.  Age verification can obtain from government ID databases. 

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Verification Software Benefits Retailers and Buyers:

Major Benefit of this software is that it is user friendly which is beneficial for both retailers and buyers in a good way. This will make it more difficult for underage consumers to obtain dangerous substances, adults can seamlessly buy age-restricted products and services, and businesses face smaller legal ramifications and experience fewer frauds and chargebacks.  Some people (both consumers and business owners) will undoubtedly argue that age verification software violates our privacy. The fact that we have freely given away our information elsewhere online instead of using software violates our privacy rather than the software itself. Using publicly available data, it analyzes the findings, then compares them with the customer’s attempt to purchase goods online.  Age verification has a major fall back that it cannot detect whether a customer is providing age or not. However, this capability is advancing rapidly. With facial and fingerprint technology getting smarter every day, it shouldn’t be long before age verification software is more accurate. It depends upon the customer’s decision whether they want to provide the finger or not. 

 Identify the Appropriate Group of Customers:

 A few customers take advantage of the age advantage by providing incorrect information. This company uses online age verification as a fraud prevention measure. For instance, some adults pretend to be children to receive a discount. It can help prevent uncontrolled access, which can lead to identity theft. A user’s personal information is not just a way to generate leads for online stores but is also a way to verify the user identity, which is extremely important for some secure websites, such as government portals.

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