Having the freedom to do what we want to do when we want it is one of the best feelings we can get, especially if we are still young and bustling with the passion and urge to go out on our own and conquer the world.

As poetic and metaphorical as it sounds, this is the reality that teenagers of today are into.

Many see this age in a person’s life as all about fun, excitement, and discovering new things. But little do they know that this is a very crucial part of the growth of an individual. It’s where you meet new friends, know who you are, get in a relationship, and then get heartbroken, and all those dramas in life.

It might seem hard at first, but that’s the reality of life. And teenagers have every right to experience all of these while they’re still young.

Hence, freedom is what every teenager should have.

Why Freedom Matters for Teenagers

In this article, we are going to dive deeper into this reality and know why freedom matters a lot to the youth.


The main reason why teenagers, or more specifically, the youth, needs to have freedom, is for them to be confident about life. They need to go out there and explore the world on their own so that they can learn new things.

They should know how to deal with the different situations and events that they may encounter as they grow older. Note that fun and excitement are the things that drive the world of teens, and this will bring them either happiness or sadness.

Don’t be afraid to let them go on their own because this is where they can build up their confidence.

They need confidence so they can face the world on their own and not be shy about their appearance, the way they talk, and their skills.

Let them accept who they are, and in the process, make them know who their true selves are. This way, they can face the world and open new opportunities to their life.


Freedom teaches a person to know how to decide on their own. Teens should be given the chance to make mistakes so that they’ll know how to decide.

This is very important because they can’t always depend on their parents or other people when choosing something.

They should listen to themselves and learn to trust their instincts so they can be really happy with their life.

If they just always wait for others to make the call for them, they’ll never develop self-reliance, which is important when they are on their own and finding their first job later on in life.


Wisdom is a luxury most people don’t have. A person might be very smart and hard-working. But that’s just useless if you are not wise.

You can squander and waste away all your hard-earned salary or you get fooled by someone because you just listened to your heart and not to your brain. Teenagers should be wise enough to discern what is right from wrong.

They should have the wits to find ways to go around something. Remember that you don’t always need to work hard. Sometimes, there’s an easy way around it, and that’s by working smart. Having wisdom allows you to do these wonders.

Experience the real world

Freedom is necessary for teenagers so they can experience the real world. Always remember that school is not the real world.

Why Freedom Matters for Teenagers

It might teach all the basic things about math, science, language, grammar, and all those stuff. But it’s got a major flaw, and that it doesn’t show the reality of life.

It does not show what life is like if you’re out on your own and you’re finding a job or perhaps finding a way to pay for rent or your food and daily consumption.

Let the kids go out there and have a taste of how nasty the world can get. Don’t worry, though, because they can get by with it as long as you give them proper guidance and teach them what to expect.

Expose them to how the world works by making them visit places where labor pays off, just like in a wooden box factory, so they’ll see what it’s like to live in the real world where you have to work to live a good life.


Teenagers are still in the stage in their lives where they are still exploring and learning new things. Give them the freedom so they can become more creative individuals.

Motivate them to learn new skills such as knowing how to seal cans or perhaps introduce them to the world of entrepreneurship even if they start small, just like helping them sell hand sanitizers knowing that this is in high demand these days.

It’s in these small things where teenagers learn to think big so that they can prepare for the future.


Another important thing that freedom can give to teenagers is that this makes them feel good about themselves.

They feel happier, more contented, and satisfied with their lives because there’s no one limiting them from what they can do.

This eases the pressure of going all out at parties and trying dangerous things because they already know the consequences and they already got a glimpse and a good feel of it early in life.

This will then lead them towards a path of productivity and doing things and spending time on things that matter.


All these things are some of the best reasons why teenagers should get a good grasp of freedom during this crucial stage in their life.

Why Freedom Matters for Teenagers

This is where the fun starts, but they should also know the real world even as early as now. It will surely pay off later on in their life because they became wiser, smarter, and better engaged towards achieving success.

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