Colonial News Magazine

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Month: March 2019


Common Questions Asked by Beginners of SEO

The SEO experience is one of the most unique and fascinating features that technological advancements have gifted humanity. The amount of customized information that can be secreted can amaze any individual. It has undoubtedly changed the way companies market and…


Excavator Bucket: Subsets and Manufacturing

An excavator bucket is an essential part of heavy construction equipment. The buckets are steel made, teeth-edged, specialized containers which are attached to the arm of an excavating machine. They are bulk material handling components. The teeth protruding from the…


Taking Care of the Plumbing System

With the indoor plumbing becoming more commonplace throughout the urban cities across the world, we have started taking it for granted. We do not put into much thought regarding the history, complexity or necessity of indoor plumbing unless we have…



Not a single day goes by when you don’t use something which is riveted to its place by a professional to ensure that it provides you with whatever purposes it fulfills as long as possible. There may be times when…

The Best Gifts For Men

Gift options for men vary significantly from the gift options for women. Gifting men something is a serious and challenging task. While there is no shortage of gifting options for women, men have limited options. Wallets, watches, and clothes are…

Life style and Fashion

Water is required to ensure that water used for cooking is pure

Mellowed water leaves the water feeling plush and rich and could leave clothing more splendid and gentler. It can likewise decrease the measure of cleanser required for a wash. Different points of interest of water mellowing incorporate cleaner glasses and…