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7 Organizing Tips in Living in a Small House

Living in a small house can have many benefits to you as it forces you to almost become minimalist. Despite this, however, you will still have items that require organizing. Organizing can be difficult to manage in a small home. There are several tips listed below to assist you in organizing, however.

1. Take Decluttering Seriously

You need to make plans to declutter and purge items on a regular basis. Do not be afraid of throwing stuff away or donating items that you no longer need. Purging items you no longer use or need will assist you in keeping your space organized and maintenance free. It will also bring about peace and calmness from a decluttered environment. Only keep what is important to you and your family, what you need and what brings you happiness.

2. Designate a Purpose to Each Room

Have each room have a purpose in your home as this will create zones and functionality to every space in your house. This will make it much easier to organize as well as everything will have a home in some room in your home. Use sections of certain rooms for certain items as well, such as a reading corner to keep all your books in. Use carts, shelving and bookcases to contain your items as best as possible.

3. Use Closets to Your Advantage

Closet space is one of the most underutilized areas in small homes especially. Closets offer ample storage however, when the space is maximized. You can even put your dressers in your closets and still have room to hang your clothes and place your shoes. You can even utilize some of the dresser drawers to store items that do not have a space anywhere else in your home. Put shelves in the closet as well to further hold storage options.

4. Get Creative

You do not always have to use a space for what it was originally intended for. For instance, if you have an entryway closet that you do not use but no pantry, use that entryway closet as a pantry. Use every space available in your home in order to have an area for literally everything. If there is extra room in your dining room, for instance, designate a craft space in that room, and make it a room with more uses than just eating.

5. Do not Put Things on the Floor

Putting things on the floor takes up more valuable space in your small home. Use shelving and bookcases to offer vertical storage opportunities. This will assist your home in looking decluttered and more organized overall as well. It will also assist you in feeling like you have more room in your already cramped small home. There will truly be an area for everything when you keep floor space open.

6. Build Up

As mentioned above, using vertical space is great for storing items. The vertical space is often not thought about as space to keep items. Use tall bookcases, tall shelves and even bulletin boards and pegboards to keep items on the walls and in the air rather than on the floor as aforementioned. Vertical space is truly underutilized but can provide drastic change to organizational solutions available in your small home’s space.

7. Learn to Say No

It is okay to say no about certain items coming into your home. Only select items you need and items you want that have multiple functions. Do not buy duplicates of items either to try to amplify the space you have. Be extremely picky when in stores about what you buy in order to best eliminate how much you have in your home. Adding too much extra to your home can produce a greater need to declutter and purge later on and more to get rid of.

Final Thoughts

Living in a small home can be very enjoyable by following the organizational tips listed above. When you are ready to take the plunge to moving to a small home, consider a tiny house Melbourne. Contact Tiny Away for your tiny home needs.

Author: Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – or visit her website


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Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email - or visit her website