In recent times, the two wheeler loan interest rates have come down significantly. And with biker loans also getting easier to get, many people are preferring to buy two wheelers as their primary mode of transport. But then, in order to drive a two-wheeler in India, you’re required to possess an appropriate driving license.
Driving on public roads without a valid license is an offense and can put you into trouble with the law. That said, many first-timers often don’t know the list of documents that are required to be submitted while applying for a driving license, which can delay the process. Therefore, here’s an in depth look into the documents that are required for getting your two wheeler driving license.
But before we move onto the part where we take a look at the documents required, let’s quickly take a sneak peek into the eligibility criteria.
- For two wheelers without gear (up to 50 cc) – You must be at least 16 years or older.
- For two wheelers with gear – You must be at least 18 years or older.
Documents required for getting a two wheeler driving license
Now that you’re aware of the eligibility criteria, here’s the list of documents that you’ll be required to submit to get yourself a two wheeler driving license.
1. For proof of your age – (any one of the following documents)
- A copy of your birth certificate
- A copy of your PAN card
- A copy of your passport
- A copy of your class 10 mark sheet
- A copy of your transfer certificate (TC) from a school clearly showing your date of birth
2. For permanent proof of address – (any one of the following documents)
- A copy of your passport
- A copy of your aadhaar card
- A copy of your self-owned house agreement
- A copy of your electricity bill
- A copy of your LIC bond
- A copy of your voter’s ID card
- A copy of your ration card
3. For current proof of address – (any two of the following documents)
- A copy of your rental agreement
- A copy of your electricity bill
- A copy of your LPG gas bill
4.Other important documents to be submitted
- A duly filled driving license application form
- Passport size photographs
- A medical certificate in Form 1A and 1 issued by a certified government doctor (this is applicable only in cases where the applicant is above the age of 40 years)
Knowing the list of documents that are required to be submitted when applying for a two wheeler driving license can help prevent unnecessary delays and speed up the process. And once you’ve successfully applied for and received your very own driving license, you can then move on to apply for a bike loan. That said, here’s a point that you should note. Before applying for a biker loan, always use a two wheeler loan calculator to get to know just how much you’re required to pay each month.