There are many things you can study in college that will set you up for a successful career. From business to medicine, psychology, and education, there is no shortage of rewarding careers to choose from.
One that is often overlooked, especially in the 21st century, is truck driving. However, it remains a great choice for those who are looking for a great career.
It Is a Professional Career
When you think of professional careers, you probably think of people in suits sitting at board meetings and doctors wearing lab coats. There’s no doubt that business people and doctors are professionals in their fields, but it may surprise you to learn that truck driving is also a professional career.
Although you won’t be wearing a suit, getting your CDL license requires graduating from a certification program. You have to be able to prove your ability behind the wheel before you can drive a truck for a professional trucking company.
In addition, truckers have stricter standards than other drivers. They must demonstrate their ability to drive a truck safely on a regular basis since the consequences of unsafe driving can be so dastardly.
There Is a Truck Driver Shortage
You would have to be living under a rock not to hear about all the speculation surrounding artificial intelligence. There are a lot of fears that robots and AI programs will take our jobs, which is why so many people are turning away from the truck driving profession.
However, self-driving technology isn’t capable of driving a vehicle on its own yet, and it likely won’t be the case for a while. Especially when you consider all of the laws that will need to be in place before self-driving trucks can take to the road.
There is a truck driver shortage as people prepare for this change, but that also means there is no one to replace the truckers who are aging out of their careers. If you’re interested in truck driving and you graduate with your CDL license, there’s no doubt that you will be able to find a job.
Chances are, you’ll be able to keep it for a while too. Even if you live long enough to see AI take over driving duties, you can transition to a different position that helps program and monitor vehicles in the trucking industry.
Great Pay
It’s true that you aren’t going to make as much as a doctor or a lawyer if you’re a truck driver, but some people are surprised to learn that it actually pays surprisingly well. The average base salary of a truck driver is just shy of $60,000 per year.
There are opportunities to make more. Depending on which company you work for, you may be able to get paid a bonus for transporting certain loads or carrying them over long distances. A great safety record can also result in bonuses with some companies.
The benefits of driving a truck can be appealing to those looking for a career as well. Many truckers enjoy health insurance, 401(k)s, and paid time off.
Flexible Schedule
The workplace is changing for many industries. Companies are waking up to the fact that flexible workers are happier and more productive than those who have to punch in every day for a nine to five position.
However, if you’re looking for a truly flexible position, it doesn’t get any better than truck driving. Most truckers can decide how much they want to drive, which means you can choose a position that requires days in the truck with days off, or shorter deliveries that enable you to return home at the end of each day.
Travel the Country
Traveling the country is a huge plus for many drivers. Although it’s true that you won’t have a lot of time to make stops, there are still many benefits of traveling the country:
- You’ll discover new things
- You’ll discover similarities between yourself and others
- You’ll develop a greater appreciation for home
- You’ll see wonderful sights
If the aspect of traveling appeals to you as a truck driver, you can arrange your schedule to spend time at your destination. That way you get to do more than just gaze longingly out the window.
Every career has its own set of benefits, and that includes truck driving. If you’re looking for a job that appeals to your sense of adventure while providing you with some security and a comfortable income, look no further than a career as a truck driver. Keep in mind, however, that you’ll be required to undergo pre-employment drug screen to obtain a commercial driver’s license. If substance use is interfering with your ability to hold down the job, you may be able to improve your chances by trying out a variety of effective methods to pass a drug test.