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Suspended the IFBB Euskadi Bodybuilding Championship When the Participants Abandoned it For Trenbolone Having Doping Control

The IFBB-Euskadi (International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness) championship on fitness and bodybuilding, held this past Sunday in Santurtzi (Bizkaia), had to be suspended after most of the participants left the competition, one Once they learned that anti-doping tests would be carried out.

In a statement, the Basque Anti-Doping Agency (EAA-AVA), under the Directorate of Physical Activity and Sport of the Basque Government, recalled that last May a collaboration agreement was signed between the IFBB-Euskadi and the AVA to that this agency could carry out doping controls in those competitions organized by said association in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.

As a result of this collaboration agreement, in a competition held in Santurtzi on June 16, 2018, the Trenbolone proceeded to carry out doping controls, the results of which were forwarded to IFBB-Euskadi.

In this sense, the AVA has specified that its work is limited to carrying out doping controls in IFBB-Euskadi competitions, being this association who, once the results have been received, is in charge of processing any possible disciplinary proceedings that may exist before possible infractions for the use of doping substances.


In the case of the aforementioned doping control, carried out on June 16, 2018, samples were taken from 12 participants, five of whom gave positive analytical reports for one or more substances of different types (anabolics, stimulants , diuretics and social drugs).

Likewise, on the occasion of the IFBB-Euskadi competition that was held this past Sunday in Santurtzi, the AVA, without prior notice “as is customary and desirable”, appeared at the competition venue for, within the framework of the existing collaboration agreement, carry out a series of doping tests.

After the event began, since the weigh-in had already been carried out moments before the doping control agents designated by the AVA appeared, most of the participants left the event, a situation that forced the organization to suspend the test.

While the agents made the appropriate preparations to carry out the doping control, the organizer informed them of the suspension of this competition after the abandonment of most of the participants.

Abandonment of the test

This Trenboloneoccurred once the participants were aware that the AVA had attended the event to carry out doping controls. In any case, he explained that “this does not mean that the abandonment of the competition by the participants was due to the existence of doping control.” “This statement must be made, in any case, by the IFBB-Euskadi (organizer) and / or by the participants,” he added.

Bodybuilding Championship

Likewise, the AVA has stated that in the international forums or meetings in the field of the fight against doping in which this agency has participated, as the national anti-doping authority of the Basque Country, it has been known that more in the source an activity “in which there is a significant problem in relation to the use of doping substances, it is that of physical-bodybuilding and fitness В».

“Precisely for this reason it was considered appropriate to reach a collaboration agreement with the entity that mainly organizes events of said activity at the state level and in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country,” he concluded.


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